Students doing this program along with another degree
Working Professionals studying in the program
Secured Admission to Masters/PhD programs within and outside India
BS students in Top 100 Ranks of GATE Exam 2024
Degree for All

Embark on your journey towards an undergraduate degree or diploma from an IIT, regardless of your age, location, or academic background.

The Pride of Being an IITian
Fulfilling Your Dreams

As a parent, you want to offer your child the best opportunities for their future. Encouraging them to apply for the world’s first 4-year Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Data Science and Applications at IIT Madras is an investment in their success. IIT Madras is India’s top technical institute, known for producing leaders and innovators in every field. This flexible program is designed to accommodate your child’s unique needs.
Distinctive Features of the Program
Distinctive Features
Best Online Program
Awarded by QS Reimagine Education & The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Learners from < 5LPA eligible for up to 75% fee waivers. 2000+ students study for free
No Age Limit
Learners of any age can study this program from anywhere across the world
Mode of Study
Pre-recorded and Online sessions, Weekly online Assignments, Offline quizzes

Accelerate Your Career with IIT M’s Data Science Program
Accelerate Your Career

If you're a working professional seeking to transition into the field of Data Science, IT Madras offers you the perfect opportunity. Our 4-year Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Data Science and Applications is designed with your career shift in mind. With flexible exit options at the foundation, diploma, or full BSc degree level, you can customize your learning path to fit your professional goals.
Degree Key Highlights
Data science Courses
ML Foundations, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, LLMs, Big Data
Programming Courses
Python, Java, PostGreSQL, Linux , C programming, Full Stack Application Development
Frameworks & Libraries
Flask, Vue, NumPy, Scikitlearn, Pytorch, OpenCV, Kafka etc
Business Courses
Data Management, Analytics, DS Tools, Financial Forensics, Market Research, Managerial Economics